Friday, May 21, 2010 | By: Hazel

The Hazards of Living in the 21st Century

I watched the latest episode of Criminal Minds on TV and the subject was internet, specifically social networking sites and how we are attracting a bunch of psychos out there with what we post online.

Social networking is all the rage right now. If it were the zombie virus, you'd probably have a better chance of not being infected. I, myself, have not been immune to this epidemic. Posts range from the mundane to the monumentally mundane. I mean, posting every morsel of food that you are consuming right this very minute? That may be interesting to the handful of people who actually know you in person but to the rest of your 1000+ Facebook friends, not really. Trust our generation to bring the meaning of the word "social" to a whole new level. In the midst of the ever-growing population, it seems that we are afraid to be alone and to be without a voice. Or maybe, posting blow-by-blow accounts of our lives will make them sound more exciting than they really are.

Ahh, the civilization. This get-on-board-or-get-left-behind progress. It seems to be always quickly moving forward. But how come, sometimes, it doesn't feel that way?


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