Thursday, February 24, 2011 | By: Hazel

It Runs In Our Veins Part II

Statue of Selene at the Capitoline Museums (photo credit)
Selene is the Greek goddess of the moon. It is said that she was a radiant goddess and she wore a golden crown. She rode a horse-drawn silver chariot. She wore a robe and a half-moon over her head. She was famous for her many love affairs but the most popular was her love story with the shepherd, Endymion. The story tells that the goddess fell in love with the mortal, but for fear of his mortality, she asked Zeus to grant him eternal life that they may be together forever. Now Zeus, the king of all Greek gods, was a genius. He could not make Endymion immortal but he can make him sleep for all eternity thereby preserving his youth and life. And since Selene did not want the love of her life to grow old and die, she agreed to his arrangement even if in exchange she will hear him snore for all eternity. Then she went on to have 50 daughters with him. How she managed that with a sleeping guy, I haven't the faintest idea. Maybe the Greek deities practiced in vitro fertilization. Who knows? Truth be told I think Zeus gave her very good deal. She could have her way with him and he would not be able to object. She could go through life the way she wanted to and he would not be able to say a word. She could make all the horrible decisions and he would not be able to question her. How ideal is that? A lover who played dead. Did I mention that Zeus is a genius?
Thursday, February 17, 2011 | By: Hazel

The Goddess Loves CDO

Well, that goes without saying. I love Cebu like hell but CDO is where family and friends are. CDO is home and there is no place like it.

The two lady-loves of my life.
After free-lunch drinks.
Because we had to kill time and none of us thought of bringing a camera.
Good friends are so hard to find.
High-school, 10 years and 10 lbs later.
Girls just wanna have fun.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011 | By: Hazel

My Perk-Me-Up List

White sand beaches (photo credit)
A good book (photo credit)
Red pedicure (photo credit)
Miniskirts and newly-shaved legs (photo credit)
Salon hair days (photo credit)
Chit chat over cups of coffee (photo credit)

A hearty meal (photo credit)

Pizza, soda and DVD nights (photo credit)
Summer tunes (photo credit)
Cagayan de Oro because it's where home, family and friends are. (photo credit)