Friday, November 26, 2010 | By: Hazel

It Runs In Our Veins

Statue of Athena at the Academy of Athens (photo credit)
Athena is the Greek goddess of war, civilization, wisdom, strength, strategy, crafts, and skill. She sprang forth from Zeus' head fully-grown and fully-armed and was said to be his favorite offspring. She wielded the thunderbolt and the aegis which she and Zeus exclusively shared. (source)

Athena, I believe, is the most formidable deity in Olympus and that makes her my favorite. I like the fact that she is strong and smart and a force to be reckoned with. It is not difficult to imagine that her stare could turn her adversaries to dust. If she were human, she'd embody women empowerment and guys would cower in her presence. Anything a guy can do, she can do better. In heels. And I am not just talking about mental stuff. I'm referring to physical endeavors as well. As a testament to her non-dependence to men, she was also known as a virgin goddess. Maybe she figured that she was too good for any man, even in the days of great Greek gods, and does not want to be saddled with a weakling.

Athena can kick the balls and skewer the guts of any man. Mortal and immortal alike. How cool is that?


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