Wednesday, November 24, 2010 | By: Hazel

I Blog Because...

1. I'm vain.
2. You can't stop me.
3. Life is beautiful but sometimes I need a reminder.
4. I love to write and blogging gives me an outlet.
5. I am not good at saying things. Most of the time I sound stupid.
6. I'm vain.
7. Sometimes life sucks and I need a reminder that I'm still luckier than most.
8. I need to constantly fight my natural inclination to procrastinate.
9. I want to tell my friends that happiness is a choice and you can find it in every little thing if you choose to.
10. Did I mention that I'm vain?
11. I want to tell my female friends that having a guy who loves you is important. But not as important as your friends, who you can be yourself with. Not as important as your family, who gave you life and unconditional love.  Not as important as yourself, who holds destiny in your own hands.
12. It's good to know that I am normal after all.
13. I want to help eradicate illiteracy and ignorance. Both are not cool.
14. It is a nice surprise to discover things about myself that I didn't know before.
15. Sharing somehow helps me make sense of things I don't understand.
16. The goddess is mortal. But it would be nice to leave something that would stay in this world long after I'm gone.


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