Saturday, June 19, 2010 | By: Hazel

This is one big white space.

A reflection of my current state of mind. Or more probably, my life. Empty. I don't mean empty-meaningless. I mean empty-nothing to do. Boring. I mean, let's see, aside from tennis on weekends, there is not much that I do nowadays. I haven't watched any movie for a long time. I still haven't gotten around to finishing the book that I'm currently in the middle of, and I haven't tried anything new yet. So what should I write about. I cannot write about doing groceries. If I list down my groceries here, then maybe you should bury me because that would be like a nail in the coffin of my blog. So I'm just gonna retire for the weekend, look for something to do, maybe watch a movie and finish that damn book so that I will have something to rant about. Hopefully, something exciting will happen, like hail and brimstone. I'm kidding. A little.

Man, I have got to do something.


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