Wednesday, June 23, 2010 | By: Hazel

Saturday: The Ultimate Spur-Of-The-Moment Day

To make up for the boring week that I had last week, my weekend turned out to be throw-your-plans-out-the-window crazy.

1. Morning: Splurge almost 2,000 on freakin' groceries. What the...?
2. After lunch: Spent 1,000 on beach clothes that was not even on my to-buy list for the next 6 months.
3. Late afternoon: Went to Camotes for an unplanned weekend getaway with 2 girlfriends.

After all of which, I had successfully made a huge gaping hole in my pocket. I have decided to forgo eating in the next two weeks until my next paycheck comes. So to my kind-hearted readers, I am now officially accepting charity. Please direct all donations to my bank account. For those who wants to help me out but are not particularly in a charitable mood, I will offer to do your laundry for a certain fee. Call me.


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