(Here is the continuation of a post from last week.)
Change your wardrobe. What? I do not feel inclined to go Goth. Improve. Not change.
Smile at least 10x a day. Really? Even if there is no reason to? And risk looking like a patient from a mental institution? I think not.
Burn some old memories. Already did. And the amount of space it freed after that is just dying to get filled again.
Plant a tree. Planning to with some friends. Maybe later this year.
Move to another town or country. I'm already in another town. Besides, I don't like moving.
Join new group. I can't think of a group to join right now.
Stop watching TV. I have not had a TV for 4 years now. Sometimes it's actually depressing. But it does spare me from all the crap that people with TV have to put up with.
Start a totally unexpected hobby. I plan to plant my own herbs. When I told my mother about this she was worried because according to her, gardening are either for married people or for spinsters. Since I still have no plans to get married, she just assumed that I'm practicing to be a spinster.
Randomly hug a stranger on the street. No. The stranger will either think that I'm crazy, in which case he'll run screaming away from me, or that I'm a very dangerous person, in which case he'll stab me to death thinking that he was just defending himself.
Set a surprise party. I'm not really a party person. I do not like parties. So it is very unlikely that I would be able to organize a party. But you are doing this to improve yourself, you say. Sure. I will improve myself by not being a party-pooper, which I usually am. There's your improvement.
Go hiking. Yes. Some friends are planning to, along with the tree planting.
Get a pet. I would love to get a dog but it's too much commitment. It's like having a baby only more smelly and hairy. The poor creature will probably die within a week of being with me.
Write a thank you letter. I wrote a thank you blog. Fine. I'll write a letter. Happy now?
Meditate daily. I'm planning to learn yoga. That should take care of the meditation stuff.
Say something nice to somebody. I admit I don't always compliment people unless I was shocked into making the compliment. I will try more often.
Say something nice to You. NOW we're talking. This I never fail to do albeit only when nobody is around to hear. I would not want anyone to think that I am the female reincarnate of Narcissus.
When in doubt, improvise. Sometimes, that may not be a good idea. Haha. I've heard horror stories about this.
Don't argue, win or lose. Fortunately, I have never seen the sense in arguing. I avoid arguments like a plague.
Stop faking your life. I never need to fake my life. My life is fabulous. People would be lucky to have a life like mine. Like I said, I sometimes sound like Narcissus.
Define goals. Done. Achieving them is entirely different.
Go social. Man, this is the same as the 'Make new friends' from the earlier post. Again, I'll try.
Spend some time alone. Ah, now this I love. I do it all the time.
Fix something by yourself. I'm sure I have fixed something. I just can't remember at the moment.
Help others. I have been doing this all my life. What can I say, I'm the snob with a heart.
Create value. Hell, yeah. What is the purpose of creating something that is completely worthless. And I'm not just talking about monetary value here.
Do random act of kindness. There was a girl who fell down on the side of the street. She couldn't get up immediately because she scraped her knees. Her bag and books were scattered on the sidewalk. I picked up her books and did a really stupid thing. I asked her if she was okay. Of course, she is not okay. But she said she was anyway. Bottom line is I'm a very helpful and kind person. I could not help it. It's in my nature.
One more second. I have a natural inclination to procrastinate. I am not proud of that but there it is. So I just don't take one more second. I take another minute. Or two.
Understand what people want from you. Sure. But a problem arises when people don't understand what they want from you. Besides, you'll never be able to understand everything so I don't sweat it.
Break an old habit. Swearing. I know it's not good. I will try harder not too.
Stop complaining. Au contraire, I rarely complain. I am such a doormat, I hate it.
Reject what you don't want. Actually, easier said than done.
Being is better than having. What can I say? I'm a material girl. But I do try to be. Whatever that means.
Listen to your critics. All the time. I don't necessarily agree with them and most of the time I think they are wrong but I do listen.
Don't take it personally. I need to work on this one. I find it very difficult to not personally take any attack that is thrown against me or anything I did. It just is. I mean, if it's me or something I did, how can it not be personal?
Laugh. I laugh. A lot. Like a lunatic.
Go with passion. I do. Most of the time anyway. I am a fairly passionate person.
Trust your emotion. Yes. Sometimes my emotions are over-the-top but they are seldom completely wrong.
Live it like a holiday. This is gonna be a problem because holiday means spending and that is something that I'm trying to curb right now.
Make a story out of it. Oh, puh-lease. I'm not a story teller. I don't want to be. I don't want to be the person who bores the other person into a coma with anecdotes from my life.
Stop being a follower. Ummm...
Watch your belief. This is fair enough. Our beliefs do help mold us into the person that we are.
Stop lying. I'm not a habitual liar but you have to admit that there are times when it is better to lie.
Stop reacting to stuff. It takes a hell of a lot to annoy or affect me. It's such a waste of energy.
Live today. Of course. We can only live today. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come.
Expect the unexpected. Always.
Enjoy. Of course. Why else would I got through all these?
Make your own rules. Yes. Then break all of them. There are no rules.
Love. I'm a fan of love. I love love.
Get rid of levels. Just like the rules, baby. All going out the window.
No regrets. None whatsoever. Live, love and let cleavage.
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